Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bad images worldwide

Will there ever be another Faulty Towers? Is there a spindle-legged Brit in a bowler that can actually put his elbow in his ear like John Cleese did? Just thinking about some of the Faulty Towers images brings a chuckle to the surface.

I was thinking about this last evening while channel surfing and finding station after station showing programs unsuitable for public showing. "Aha!" you say, another prudish censor advocate. No, I don't think so. Isn't it possible that the pendulum has swung too far toward violence and pornography on television? Is sex and carnage the only thing Americans think about?

For me it's not an uplifting experience to sit on the couch with my grand children and scan channel after channel of nude, provocative, soft porn stuff interspersed with crashes of all kinds with bodies strewn about the landscape. Adding to the delight is more boob-tube trash mixed with the carnage and gore of the war? Guns. Killing. Bombs. Slit throats. Criminals. Violence. Drugs.

These are the images of America that are infesting the world television market place. Do you remember when people visualized America as "John Wayne on a horse high in the far country looking over a fertile green valley and wondering where the Indians might be". Not any more. These western images have been replaced by Paris Hilton, surgery on TV, sex in the city, rap idiots, and graphic images death and destruction.

These images have distorted the America shown to the world. We are no longer the benevolent and charitible citizens on the hill. We are now pictured as the scum in the gutter.

Can we change the image?

There really is an America with values, standards, ethics, moral standards and decency.


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